The stuff that people send through to the paper I work for, the press releases and information they think is newsworthy and destined to make it into print, amazes me. For sure most of the PR companies and such are just taking a chance, hoping that something about their client will be deemed worth a story. But then there are the others who believe that their particular little event/charity day/ school sports/ Chrismas party function for sick kiddies are truly national news and obviously worth not only a full story, but a picture as well.
Today's perplexing wadge of press material was sent in by a woman whose title is Semi Finalist Mrs South Africa. She is 30 years old, has four children - one of them adopted, works for the cops' union and also runs a beauty salon from home called Simple Dimples. She does community work for a youth organisation "whereby I were the Secretary".
Semi Finalist Mrs South Africa is now organising a Golf Day for Jesus. The inspiration for this: "There is every year thousands of babies dumped al over our country and found by the community or police". The aim: To raise funds for victims of crime. The big attraction: celebrities in attendance including Melt Sieberhagen who acted in the movie "Poena is Koning", Dalen Lance and Marisa Bosman (I asked around but nobody in the news room could tell me who these people are). The request: To give massive coverage to this event. Pictures supplied. Eight of them. All of Semi Finalist Mrs South Africa.
I am not sure if, where or how this will be used in the paper.
She were the secretary, eh?